
so much for a relaxing sunday

we went to alexis' birthday party today, which was fun, despite the screaming children. she very much liked the bride dress ian and i got her, though it already fit her, which is disappointing. means she'll outgrow it in about 2.8 seconds. we drove back tonight so that we could have a day tomorrow where we don't do anything. except here's our list for tomorrow:

* pick up the lamps we're getting off craigslist.
* go look at the dinosaurs in west pasco.
* work out.
* drop by safeway and pick up an orchid, which are on sale.
* do ian's taxes.
* make a list of what we're spending our refund checks on.
* go to at&t.

ian's razr phone, which he bought a year and a half ago, is giving up the ghost. if he has it shut for long enough for the screen to go black, it doesn't re-illuminate until you turn the phone off and back on again. we're going in to see if it can be repaired, but there is a possibility that, when my tax refund comes in, we'll just replace it with an iphone. we were going to get them in august anyway, and there's no point in buying him a new phone now, and then again in august. it would be $200 cheaper in august (probably), but there's a possibility that a replacement phone to get him to august would be $200, and he'll end up with a phone he really likes. so why not?


"holy gaggle of geese, batman!"

so i was driving down spokane falls blvd on my way to pickup ben after work today. the sun was shinning through the light wispy white clouds, there was a big patch of blue sky ahead of me and i was listening to my current favorite album. needless to say, i was in a good mood. then i witnessed a most fantastic sight: two lanes of west-bound traffic were stopped in front of the river pointe campus as a gaggle of canadian geese leisurely waddled across this busy four-lane street on their way down to the river. it was so whimsical, it immediately brought a toothsome smile to my face and i giggled a little. i wish i had had my camera!

(the above picture is not mine and does not count as my weekly picture.)


homage to my hips by lucille clifton

these hips are big hips.
they need space to
move around in.
they don't fit into little
petty places. these hips
are free hips.
they don't like to be held back.
these hips have never been enslaved,
they go where they want to go
they do what they want to do.
these hips are mighty hips.
these hips are magic hips.
i have known them
to put a spell on a man and
spin him like a top

top ten things to do for a migraine

1. go home. turns out when you get a migraine is when everyone at work decides to start yelling. about everything. you might as well just leave.

2. get yourself to a darkened room. it just figures that the one day of sunshine in two weeks, the day you've been craving, is the day you sprout a headache.

3. take your hair down. all accouterments next to the scalp, and all gathering of the hair will only agitate your pain. if you must do something with your hair, a loose braid starting an inch below the nape of your neck is your best bet.

4. apply heat. especially at the inner corner of your eyebrows and at the base of your neck where the neck meets the skull. those are two areas where veins enter through holes in your skull, wrap around your head via behind your ears, and then re-enter the skull at the eyebrow. those two points are key.

5. take painkillers. find something strong. something with the word "migraine" in the title is best.

6. drink caffeine. if you start to get chronic migraines, cut this step out, as the caffeine can actually continue your headaches. but for the occasional headache, this opens the blood vessels and lets the blood flow easier, often times alleviating the pain.

7. take a nap. that is, if you can fall asleep. a mild sedative or antihistamine may help with this step. hopefully you will feel better when you wake up.

8. take a bath. i know, this goes with the "apply heat" step, but it's also a way to get you to relax and lay still so as not to agitate anything.

9. sit up straighter. it's possible that it's not a migraine, but a stress headache, and nothing assists stress better than bad posture. feet flat on the floor, back straight, chin back, shoulders down. take a deep breath.

10. get someone to give you a head massage. especially those places mentioned before--the nape of the neck and the eyebrows--and you could be on your way to feeling like a better, more functioning member of society.


top ten most comfortable articles of clothing for a winter's day (not necessarily worn together)

colleen gave me the topic for this list after we returned from the march and ice skating - it was really cold!

1. pajama pants - preferably of soft cotton
2. thermal shirt
3. over-sized, worn cotton t-shirt (usually worn over a thermal)
4. thick, warm socks
5. soft chunky sweater
6. fuzzy, cushioned slippers
7. your favorite hooded sweatshirt
8. fleece blanket (not really clothing, but..)
9. a cup of fresh hot cocoa (again, not clothing. i know.)
10. none of the above - just stay in bed!


picture of the week: xbox

this was taken right after ben exclaimed "O-M-G!"
(you can see my mom's new kitchen in the background, too.)



these quotes came to me in a myspace bulletin today and i wanted to share them with you. you're one of my sisters! :]

You can kid the world. But not your sister.
~Charlotte Gray

To help one another is part of the religion of sisterhood.
~Louisa May Alcott

A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double.
~Toni Morrison

What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it? ~Jenny DeVries

More than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you've been bad and good.
~Linda Sunshine

When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us? ~Pam Brown

The mildest, drowsiest sister has been known to turn tiger if her sibling is in trouble.
~Clara Ortega



i feel like i'm in a jane austen novel:
a woman at the threshold of love, with very poor timing

sometimes the emotion is so full and tangible i feel like vomiting
it pushes at my throat and it hurts

i am clearing out my metaphorical closets and making room
i am tired of what ifs

this is a black eye:
it will take a few days for the bruising to show

top ten things to do when drama gets out of control

1. go for a long walk, by yourself. explore somewhere you've never been.

2. get out of town! hit the road for a saturday. take along a friend who has nothing to do with the drama. eat at a restaurant three towns over and head home. be sure to bring along good, upbeat music to blast.

3. confront it. talk it through, try to see all sides, and try to convince the other party (parties) to see your side.

4. take one of the people assisting the drama for something completely unrelated and whimsical. remember why you've put yourself in a position that you're willing to put up with drama from someone, and try to restore a little normalcy to the relationship.

5. say no to drama. walk away from the situation, and possibly the person/people causing the drama.

6. get on with your life. give it a week or so to blow over before returning to it. many times, it will have deflated to realistic proportions.

7. list out your priorities, and figure out where the drama falls. many times drama comes from having to choose one priority over another. a friend of mine had drama when her five-year boyfriend didn't want to live with her adult child, and she had to choose whether caring for her child was more important than her romantic relationship.

8. vent to a friend. pick someone totally unrelated to the situation.

9. take a class, something you can do with your hands or body, to get your mind off the subject.

10. journal it. sometimes getting it down on paper will help you sort through it.


picture of the week

so i've been waiting all week to get a good picture for my picture of the week, and still hadn't found one. we were supposed to go out today and get some stuff from the bath & body works sale at the mall, and i was going to continue to look for a good picture... but i woke up feeling like crap. however, i did take a pretty memorable picture last night...

when dave & linda got us our digital camera, they requested pictures of our apartment. well, our apartment has been an atrocious mess since before christmas. i've been trying to systematically clean the place, room by room, since then. i started with the kitchen and the bathroom because... well, those are disgusting if they're not cleaned regularly. right now, the kitchen is back to being messy, but we'll fix that pretty soon.

last night, though, i finally tackled the living room. it's been a hard one since we had the christmas tree up until last week, and boxes of christmas decorations piled up wherever convenient besides that. but last night i just put my mind to it and got it all cleaned up. i worked for a while on the bedroom, but ian needs to clean off his desk, i can't do that. but here is a rare picture of my living room, actually clean:


top ten things i look forward to in the year that is to be 2009 (in no particular order)

1. your wedding! i'm so happy for you, congratulations! :]
2. spring and the return of all things green (the constant white gets very monotonous!)
3. the possibility of a new relationship...
4. paying off some of my debt.
5. a return to the cabin this summer; it really is my favorite place.
6. more books! i just can't read enough. i have a whole new year of reading to do!
7. harry potter and the half-blood prince, the long-anticipated movie!
8. all the great unknown experiences awaiting me in the near future.
9. maybe a raise, just a small one, maybe? maybe?
10. being your maid of honor and seeing you on one of the most important days of your life! i love you and i know you and ian will be so happy! :]


picture of the week: new year's eve

yes. i'm playing the air piano...
(photo by: elbe)