
so far

most memorable

thanksgiving dinner on top of the stratosphere

"paris" vegas


the ceiling at the bellagio, designed by chihuly

red rock canyon


vegan thanksgiving menu: a top ten

1. homemade tofurky (my first attempt!)
2. homemade stuffing
3. garlic roasted winter veggies
4. mashed potatoes (!!)
5. mushroom gravy
6. whole cranberry sauce
7. brusell sprouts (after years of consistent avoidance, i am giving this veggie a second chance)
8. fudge balls :]
9. wine, lots of wine!
10. pumpkin pie


winter days

when the clouds move in
when they set up camp below the
trees and mingle with the fallen leaves

i find solace in notes
high and low
strung together like birds on wire

and truth finds me in my waking life:
there is no divine favoritism

we are each of us like the tree
which loses its leaves when
the sun moves away

yet cognizant still that
the sun will return
and life will continue its
cycle of ebb and flow


the who farm

i think this is a tremendous idea!


a day early: top ten pictures of 2008 (in nearly chronological order)

1. the coast trip - march

2. it's written on his face - april

3. my beautiful love - april

4. kiss from the top of the world - may

5. the messy kid trio - may & june

6. the poppy parade - may

7. spelling it out - august

8. latsyrc and heaven - august

9. camping - september

10. trip down memory lane - october

and now for a new challenge: during the week that you are NOT posting top-ten, post a picture of the week (or two weeks, as it may be). found pictures are acceptable, but pictures that you actually took are preferred. pictures can be anything: portraits, fun graffiti, happenstance snapshots, whatev. how's that sound?


top ten one-liners about coffee

1. coffee: only the independently wealthy can afford to sleep
2. coffee: skip the crap and just give it to me!
3. coffee: cheaper than heroine, but just as addictive
4. coffee: the almighty bean
5. coffee: caffeine-induced insomnia will save the economy!
6. coffee: support your local breweries!
7. coffee: few things are better to wake up to
8. coffee: to stop my sleeping habit
9. coffee: stained teeth are sexy
10. coffee: when will they start serving it intravenously?

rabies = zombies

i have been inspired! listen to this episode of This American Life, specifically the first story about the raccoon. i think we may have something here...we could turn it into a commentary on ecology/the environment/urban sprawl.


did you know that electrons have mass?

i didn't even know they were catholic!


what not to do

i put the coke in the freezer in an attempt to chill it fast. i told myself i wouldn't forget about it. i woke up to this.

that was harder than it looked

* carpenters - i love karen carpenter's voice. it also hails back to my fear and consequential high school obsession with aliens

* yankee doodle - don't you laugh. it ALWAYS gets stuck in my head. i think it's the rhythm of my own walking

* calling you - this is for ian and me "our song"

* three days grace - transformed me from the college goodie two-shoes into someone to whom my youth kids could relate as i realized that people became punks for a reason, usually

* chevelle - my favorite band. had to choose a song. figured it might as well be ian's ringtone.

* heal the world - among the many eco songs they made us sing in high school that helped me become the hippie i am today

* matchbox 20 - just expressing my love for superman

* why georgia - always expressed my constant desire, as an ingrained transient, to pack up and leave without notice. i used to imagine loading my laptop, guitar, and a few items of clothes into my backseat and taking off.

*bulls on parade - one of the first songs that turned me onto my lifelong obsession with rock band. of course, this song was in guitar hero 3, but you get the idea.

* scarborough fair - probably the first song i learned to play on guitar. and the name of my rock band 2 band!