
new favorite regional band - click here

a saw
an accordion
a glockenspiel
and a steel guitar

... but not all at the same time



james allen

"dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil."



1. why is it that when you tell someone a door is locked they still feel the need to try opening it themselves?

2. i saw clever pop culture reference on the back of a hoodie today: TI(RED), like the red product movement to benefit AIDS education/research.

3. i saw a yellow lab in the back of a truck locked up in a crate that was way too small for it. the poor dog couldn't even lie down and every time it moved i saw the sides bulge a little. grr. i wanted to let it loose.

4. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94826773 (a stay of execution has been issued - at the last minute.)


my next tattoo

i think i want a blue heron to go with my poppies. it has significance, but also i just love birds and it's one of my favorites.

father knows best...

there are a handful of topics i try desperately to side-step when talking to my dad: my mom, my sex life (or lack of), my salvation (or lack of), religion and politics. tonight i managed to avoid three of these illicit areas of conversation. my dad starts out with: so what do you think of palin? an expectant tone in his voice suggested he was smiling hopefully. what do i think of palin? it's been three years since i last saw him and he wants me to tell him over the phone what i think of mccain's publicity stunt of a vp? as it became obvious that we would not see eye to eye on this topic, he politely redirected the conversation - without my realizing it - to religion.

he started talking about evolution and people who believe it and call themselves christians. to my father this is unacceptable. he started talking about the image of god and was very offended that anyone could accept evolution in one hand and the bible in the other. i couldn't bite my tongue much longer. he said something about god is not an ape. i replied that nor is god a man - although jesus took the form of a man. i was headed down a slippery slope. i tried to divert the talk to something - almost anything else.

somehow we ended up back at politics; my dad professed that god will direct who wins the presidential nomination. he continued to suggest that everything happens for a reason (i don't disagree) and that god will change "the hearts of men", presumably to affect a favorable outcome. now i admit that i do not call myself a christian, but i grew up in a christian household and like to think that i understand a few major ideas of the religion, such as free will. as far as i know, the whole purpose of humanity is free will. that's why some of us will go to hell, according to the doctrine. that's what happened in eden, right - free will?

i love my dad and try really hard not to hold these differences of perspective against him. but god! it's so frustrating to talk to him sometimes. i'm just glad we avoided talking about sex.



new window office!!

i'm still so completely jazzed!


rant: harry potter and the half-blood prince

i know i'm behind the times, but...she killed him! she f#@!ing killed dumbledore! i think she actually really hates her own character - her title character. first she gives him a really cruddy start to life - without parents or a loving family. and each book she builds him up just a bit so he starts to feel comfortable and then BAM! she pulls the rug out from under him and he falls further back than where he was before. book after book she does it and yeah, he gains some ground, but only to double back before the end of the book.

he kissed ginny. the whole book had been building to that (besides the whole voldemort thing, of course). and then snape - snape kills dumbledore!

i am seething in a way that only a really good book can induce.


another challenge: favorite foods a-z

just as the title states, this challenge is to list your favorite foods from a-z. this round will have a time limit, so your response is due by oh, say wednesday at midnight. happy listing!