
rant: harry potter and the half-blood prince

i know i'm behind the times, but...she killed him! she f#@!ing killed dumbledore! i think she actually really hates her own character - her title character. first she gives him a really cruddy start to life - without parents or a loving family. and each book she builds him up just a bit so he starts to feel comfortable and then BAM! she pulls the rug out from under him and he falls further back than where he was before. book after book she does it and yeah, he gains some ground, but only to double back before the end of the book.

he kissed ginny. the whole book had been building to that (besides the whole voldemort thing, of course). and then snape - snape kills dumbledore!

i am seething in a way that only a really good book can induce.

1 comment:

K said...

you're so cute!!

i think snape is innocent.