
top ten reasons to hate open office

1. how do you put the little file stamp in a footer on your document? no idea!

2. you can't cut and paste merged cells, literally adding three hours of work to my mondays.

3. the freaking colors aren't the same as office. they aren't well-organized, either. so trying to match the existing colors on your once-excel spreadsheet is impossible.

4. setting up the print margins is impossible.

5. that little button on the print setup that says "fit to 1 page"? yeah, that doesn't work at all.

6. basically, when you print, it does whatever it damn well pleases. this software and the printer get along very well.

7. when you're highlighting cells, every once in a while (meaning, like one in five times) it will randomly move the cells you're working with. somewhere else.

8. it does a word-guesser in the "writer" (pseudo-word) but if you want to use the word it's guessing? no idea how to make that happen, and i've tried everything i can logically think of.

9. if you're typing in the not-excel and it thinks you want to type something that you don't want to type, the only way to move to the next cell is to hit delete, tab, tab to convince it that yes you're sure you don't want that.

10. when you get into a cell and hit delete, it doesn't just delete the contents. instead, it comes up with a little pop-up asking exactly how much of the cell you want to delete.

i hate open office. oh, and my roof is leaking.


crystal said...

ugh. i'm sorry. it sounds about as much fun and user-friendly as Word Perfect.

which roof? at home or at work?

K said...

yeah. in my bathroom. big puddle on the floor when i came home. the maintenance guy says he can't do anything about it until it stops raining.