
random thoughts from the road

1. with their road signs along I-90 advertising "EASY THRU ACCESS", cle elum is the slut of washington state.

2. i wish my car had cruise control.

3. i really like the movie "stranger than fiction". i don't think they ever explained how she was controlling his life through her writing, though. if they did, either it wasn't very interesting, or it just wasn't important to the plot. anyway, i really like that movie.


Top Ten Road Trip (to Seattle) Albums

1. Radiohead - In Rainbows
2. Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
3. Presidents of the United States of America - II
4. Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News
5. Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
6. Mountain Goats - Tallahassee
7. Postal Service - Give Up
8. Cake - Fashion Nugget
9. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
10. Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane Over the Sea

Your Challenge: Things to do before you die


picture[s] of the week: my new bargain couch!

the couch is the same color as skippy - peanut butter!

new challenge?

so for the top ten lists, i'd like to see if you'd like to add a rule:

i'd like us to be able to challenge each other to a top ten list (within our range of knowledge and experience). this would have to be done a week in advance, when one of us posts her top ten list, she would have to put the challenge at the end. so if i'm posting a top ten, i would put at the bottom "challenge for next week: top ten (things colored orange, ways to prepare apples, potholes in spokane, etc.)."

whaddya say?


top ten chick movies of all time (with quotes)

1. dirty dancing. "i carried a watermelon?"

2. when harry met sally. "waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash. but i would be pleased to partake in your pecan pie."

3. pretty woman. "i'm not wearing any pantyhose!"

4. where the heart is. "feel that little bump-bump, bump-bump? that's where the heart is."

5. pride & prejudice: the bbc series. "for a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

6. bend it like beckham. "lesbian? i though she was a pisces."

7. a love story. "love is never having to say you're sorry."

8. fried green tomatoes. "TOWANDA!!!"

9. breakfast at tiffany's. "the blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. the mean reds are horrible. suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of."

10. the princess bride. "ha ha! you fool! you fell victim to one of the classic blunders! the most famous is never get involved in a land war in asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a sicilian when *death* is on the line!"

and for a bonus, in case you don't like or agree with one of the ones on my list:

11. gone with the wind. "i won't think about that today. i'll think about it tomorrow."


top ten commonly misused words and phrases

I'm not a grammar expert by any means, but there are a few misuses that leave me feeling a little perturbed. I left out some of the most common offenses, such as your/you're, there/their/they're, to/two/too and it's/its because they should be implied.

1. Ironic: characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is (not to be used interchangeably with coincidental)

2. Toward: no "s" on the end

3. "I could care less" this really makes no sense; it should be the negative "I couldn't care less"

4. Nonplussed: to render utterly perplexed; puzzle completely (often misused to mean just the opposite, e.g. unimpressed)

5. i.e versus e.g.: i.e. from the Latin, meaning "that is"; e.g. also Latin, meaning "for example"

6. Affect: to act on; produce an effect or change in; to influence (whereas an effect is produced by an agency or cause - a result)

7. Capital: is the city, but Capitol is the building

8. Complement: either of two parts or things needed to complete the whole; counterpart; red and green; mustard and ketchup (a compliment is an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration; mints or chocolate)

9. Penultimate: next to the last (often misused to mean the last)

10. Dawn: the first appearance of daylight in the morning; antonym: twilight (often misused to be interchangeable with sunrise)



i just did my wedding budget for all the things we have left to buy, and it equaled out to over a thousand dollars still left to spend.


picture of the week: unexpected detail

i just noticed this metal work detail on the south west corner of my building for the first time last week. there is a rose bush in front of it, obscuring it from view. i walked around the building and this is the only one i could find. i love discovering little things like this. it makes me smile.


top ten advantages to having a significant other

1. you can send him to the store for ice cream. and he totally goes. go phish food!

2. he'll buy you a soda out of his own allowance money. voluntarily.

3. you always have someone to snuggle with at night.

4. if you hear a bump in the night, you can send him out to investigate while you stay safe in bed.

5. you always have someone who will help you justify that ridiculous expenditure. put a 40" tv on the credit card? sure, why not!!

6. honestly, two incomes are better than one.

7. you can trade off and always have a designated driver. and someone to watch your back while you're out getting inebriated.

8. you have a warm body to tuck your ice-cold feet under on chilly winter nights.

9. if you can find someone to compliment you, then you get to get out of those awful tasks like driving a bunch or vacuuming or scrubbing the bathtub.

10. there's always a hug waiting for you at home. :)


picture of the week: porcupine

So I didn't take this picture, but I'm still making it count. Apparently an errant porcupine was wandering around the WSU: Tri-Cities campus today. Photo courtesy of Ian and the iPhone.


ten reasons to be thankful

november may be the month of thanksgiving, but gratitude is never out of season.

1. ben still tells me he loves me. even if he's just taking skippy outside, he always tells me he loves me before he closes the door. i hope he never grows out of that!

2. my family. i may not always get along with them and sometimes i take them for granted, but i really do appreciate them more than i can say.

3. my friends. again, sometimes i take them for granted, but the good ones (you!) are always there when i need them. i can laugh and cry with my friends. life just wouldn't be the same without friends like you.

4. although i don't have my dream job and some mornings i dread going to work, i really am thankful for my job. especially in this economy!

5. i live in a developed nation and am not struggling day to day to provide for my family. i have boundless opportunities available to me, i only need to seek them.

6. i can read. reading brings me so much pleasure and a deeper understanding of the world around me, real and imagined.

7. avocados, enough said.

8. washington really is a beautiful state to live in. the regions are so diverse; i could go from desert to rainforest in a matter of hours. and to be honest, spokane really isn't that bad... on most days

9. music - music is something that moves me deep inside of myself. it is a salve, a retreat and a blessing.

10. although sometimes i long for simplicity and wish life could be as easy as black and white, i truly enjoy consciousness: the ability to think, create and feel emotion. i love knowledge and thought, the complexities of existence. i cherish my existential crises.

picture of the week: late, sorry

i promise not to post too many pet pictures, but isn't she cute? :)