
Kyri's Tips for Moving #1-3

1. As soon as you know you're going to move, put a notebook by where you process your mail and start logging who sends you mail. This is best done a month in advance. Visiting usps.com can allow you to do an online address change for a $1 charge on your credit card, and your mail will be forwarded for one years. Remember, however, that this does not apply to magazines or catalogues you are signed up for, nor will anything marked "Do Not Forward" or "Address Correction Requested." These will need to be manually updated, though it is best to notify everyone who sends you mail regularly that you are changing to a new address.

2. When it comes time to start packing, go to your local WalMart and get an inexpensive tackle box. Equip this box with a Sharpie, packing tape, a knife, and a pack of small Post-Its. When you get to the point where you are disassembling furniture and taking nails out of the walls, place all pertaining screws, washers, bolts, etc. in a single compartment and put a Post-It in that compartment indicating what item they came from. Some other things to consider keeping in this tackle box: A tape measurer, a pen and paper, and any allen wrenches you may need, as they are small and are easy to misplace.

3. If you are moving somewhat of a distance and have a pet who gets anxious in its carrier or on car rides, speak to your vet about getting a sedative for the day in question.

1 comment:

crystal said...

my pet needs a sedative when i merely take a trip to the store.